Thursday, February 19, 2009

WOW! I can use it at work again! How Awesome!

I have posted the HOA Project on our website. Be sure to check it and make sure that I assigned the right name to the topic. The link is in the front.

Kassey I need you to choose one please as soon as you can dear.

Tomorrow be sure to read THROUGH Chapter 23 before class.

New Essays will be posted tomorrow.

And one last word....

Will is so awesome, be sure to tell him tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

History Day & other news

History Day Participants

Everyone needs to come see me tomorrow for Registration information. I neeed to see your titled entries. Some need to work on your entries and titles. A checklist will be made and you need to be sure you complete your work BEFORE March arrives. 

Be sure to have the following done correctly and turned in by everyone going:

Process Paper ( I want digital AND paper copies)
Annotated Bibliography ( I want digital AND paper copies)Primary & Secondary

I will write a letter home as well to let your parents know when and where the District History Day will take place. I want everyone to prepare for this. You will be interviewed for the event too, so dress nice and be sure you know your topic well. You need to arrange to have transportation for you and your team members. We will have a meeting next week (not sure what day) with everyone going from the school. We need to discuss: transportation, meals, attire, time, etc.. 

We will take group photos as well while at Pearl City High School and frame it :) for class. I am very happy for the work you have done! Thanks again! 

Other News:

Next Tuesday your notebook check on US History will be checked. Be sure to do all your work. Essay are DUE ALSO on this day! I will start adding more essays from US History. We will also soon start doing them class as a class work grade. 

A Latin American Project will be assigned too. I think it will be a group assignment.  Powerpoints and outlines will be made for all to share (a basic study guide). 

I will also soon pass out the Canadian be prepared for more (still have some time). 

You all can do it!!! You guys are just great!