Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Missing Assignments for Summer Work

The following students HAVE NOT SENT IN THEIR Internal Assessment topic that was due June 8, 2009:

Ben, K.
Blando, M
Campanero, K
Comesario, C
De Los Santos, D
Firme, R
Guillermo, Nigel
Gutierrez, Jaime
Hahn, Z
Lapitan, R.
Magday, K
Mahilum, J
Perry, M
Rodriquez, C
Rumaoa, A
Saragena, I
Sejalbo, C
Valdrez, J
Wright, S.

You should remember you had two weeks BEFORE school ended of class time to choose a topic and EMAIL it to me. This is part of the assessment grade and will be applied when school returns. I am working on school work now and this should be sent to me ASAP. Late points are being applied for those who have not sent it to me as instructed. Final paper is due when you return to school....