Sunday, November 9, 2008

We are going to Nationals in PAAC!

Congrats to our senior team who competed this past Saturday at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and WON! Wooo hoooo they are going to Nationals this April in Washington D. C. yeahhhh... our senior team members were:
Erickson Baniaga, Xuchyll Roman, Isaac Fujikawa, and Jennifer Quach. Great work team!
We had some IB'ers there too! Uzma, Maria and Zach also did great and I can't wait for them to suceed next year! We all had a great time and wish the senior team another victory at Nationals. A team from Hawaii has never won at nationals, so everyone support and help them prepare so our team from JCHS will be the FIRST EVER TO WIN FROM HAWAII !!!!

Articles of Confederation, Revist Thomas Paine, Chapter 8-9.... Need Thesis revisions too! Time is running out. At the end of this month the binder check will be chapters 1-12. End of this semester (term 2) will be chapters 1-18 for binder be prepared. This is a two month warning :)
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah for JCHS PAAC team players!!!