Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks from my heart....

I cannot say enough kind thoughts and healing wishes I have received today from such thoughtful students. I deeply and truly appreciate your kind encouraging words conveyed to me. I always say,"God puts people in your life for a reason" and I think you all gave me a reason today. Much thanks from us.

He is home resting tonight and has an appointment with a neurologist soon to help find out why he is having these strokes. Unfortunately, he has been having some before this and we did not know until the stroke this morning had him take a CAT scan.

As for the prompts Paul gave you all. He did me a favor in my time of need in helping out. My lessons were for me to lecture and that is kinda hard without me being there. He did what I asked Ms. Tanaka to have Paul do. He helped me tremendously with a short notice and we all owe him thanks.

I will get the prompts tomorrow and we can work on them after your test on Wednesday. In fact, I want you to bring them if you come for the training session. I need a definite list of names who will be there so I can make copies for all.

Binder checks on Wednesday Chapters 1-28 and Test on 1-28. We will soon start more essays on Latin America too as well as review the power points. I need to ask Mr. Ramiscal to make copies of everyone's power points on one CD for you all. Anyone who has him for a class, ask him if it would be an inconvenience. I have the CDs already.

I should be back tomorrow unless something else happens. We have 48 hours to watch for further episodes of a stroke.....prays are welcome who sent them.

Mrs. Aly