Monday, August 24, 2009


Sorry Iris
I forgot to post here.

Internal Assessments:

Due Monday, August 24, 2009. I want the last draft (before I edit) of your IA. I know if I wanted the final copy most would get it done. I want the IA: Printed BEFORE you come to class (am low on ink); with a cover sheet; each criterion sectioned (as samples); bibliography

You should have equal amount of primary/secondary sources if possible or 40% primary. Only 4 or less internet sources (no Wikipedia); must be correct MLA or foot notes ( I think are best and easiest); spell checked, grammar checked; bring note cards if you used them; and be sure to list your word count.

Do your best job! This will save time for the corrections. These will be your Last rough draft.

Good news is I bought two more fans for the class so we won't be dying of heat (well maybe less). Michael I may have an appointment on Tuesday, I will check tomorrow to be sure. I can't remember my date I had with the surgeon and I did not put it on my calendar. We may meet at lunch and then on another day. I know next Weds would be an excellent day to go because we could leave early by 2:00 pm and have more hours for research. This Weds I have a faculty meeting.
