Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I have uploaded and made page link to some of the PDFs I created. However I reached my "upload limit" today and I can't add any more (I reckon). One PDF refused to upload and I am kinda in a dliemna to figure out what to do about it.

Remember, test on Canada on Thursday (remember the extra credit)....I was going to throw in some Vocab from Latin America, but I will leave that alone for now.

Library People:

Go to the website on the parent letter and REVIEW for how to use the library. I will call about the parking problem (if there is one). I will also NEED ALL PERMISSION forms tomorrow morning. No one can ride with me remember. We are just meeting there and working together. Try to bring enough money for copies, paper for notes and resources, have your questions and TOPIC READY before you go, and give your driver some money for gas.

Meet me at the end of 4th to let me know whom to expect and who to keep up with on the way over. Only those with signed permission forms may go!!!

Don't forget money too! Bring enough for copies and enough if you end up eating. Copy cards are $1.



Monday, August 24, 2009


Sorry Iris
I forgot to post here.

Internal Assessments:

Due Monday, August 24, 2009. I want the last draft (before I edit) of your IA. I know if I wanted the final copy most would get it done. I want the IA: Printed BEFORE you come to class (am low on ink); with a cover sheet; each criterion sectioned (as samples); bibliography

You should have equal amount of primary/secondary sources if possible or 40% primary. Only 4 or less internet sources (no Wikipedia); must be correct MLA or foot notes ( I think are best and easiest); spell checked, grammar checked; bring note cards if you used them; and be sure to list your word count.

Do your best job! This will save time for the corrections. These will be your Last rough draft.

Good news is I bought two more fans for the class so we won't be dying of heat (well maybe less). Michael I may have an appointment on Tuesday, I will check tomorrow to be sure. I can't remember my date I had with the surgeon and I did not put it on my calendar. We may meet at lunch and then on another day. I know next Weds would be an excellent day to go because we could leave early by 2:00 pm and have more hours for research. This Weds I have a faculty meeting.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Wecome Back Juniors and Seniors

I hope everyone had a fantastic summer! I am sure you all had a restful and yet productive break. I am excited to work with you on new and interesting subjects.


Internal Investigation: due in two weeks (final paper). Look at the JCHS IB website to see a copy of a Historiography and the criterea for each section (word count, content, etc.)
Extended Essay: We will have a meeting next week for extended essays.


We will be assigning books and reviewing for the course on Tuesday.
I am excited to meet and work with you all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Missing Assignments for Summer Work

The following students HAVE NOT SENT IN THEIR Internal Assessment topic that was due June 8, 2009:

Ben, K.
Blando, M
Campanero, K
Comesario, C
De Los Santos, D
Firme, R
Guillermo, Nigel
Gutierrez, Jaime
Hahn, Z
Lapitan, R.
Magday, K
Mahilum, J
Perry, M
Rodriquez, C
Rumaoa, A
Saragena, I
Sejalbo, C
Valdrez, J
Wright, S.

You should remember you had two weeks BEFORE school ended of class time to choose a topic and EMAIL it to me. This is part of the assessment grade and will be applied when school returns. I am working on school work now and this should be sent to me ASAP. Late points are being applied for those who have not sent it to me as instructed. Final paper is due when you return to school....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This Summer and assignments

Hey guys

I will be out of course the next few weeks and I will have limited internet via my phone. However, continue working on your Internal Assessment, it MUST be completed. Consider it to be a precursor for the Extended Essay!

Dates for IA HOA:

June 8, 2009

Topic to be chosen and approved by Mrs. Aly-have rationale as to WHY you should do this topic with a list of sources you can use.

June 25, 2009

Part A completed and sent in to Mrs. Aly at IB e-mail.

July 6, 2009

Part B completed and sent in (along with A) to Mrs. Aly via IB e-mail.

July 13, 2009

Part C completed and sent in (along with previous work) to Mrs. Aly via IB e-mail

July 21, 2009

Part D completed and sent in (along with previous work) to Mrs. Aly via IB e-maiol

July 31, 2009

Parts E and F completed and sent in (along with previous work) to Mrs. Aly via IB e-mail.

This will be my last posting until I am home again. I HOPE I will feel better sooner rather than later. I am depending on you all to be diligent and hard working. If this goes right, by the end of this summer you will have ONE LESS big project due and MORE time to study for IB exams!!

Be sure to check later for emails and postings for downloads of PDF files. Probably in July I should have energy and a brain :)

(quiet Michael)

Mrs. Aly

Friday, May 8, 2009

AP US History Day is HERE!!!

Good Luck to All!

Report 7:30 a.m. sharp to the Humanities building. Bring at least 4 sharpened pencils with you. An extra eraser if you have it. Remember, NO TALKING (if someone sneezes, no bless you) and bring a small sna

ck for 10 minutes. Dress with a jacket because it will be cool in the room. 

You will have 80 questions for your multiple choice. Then you will do a DBQ with 10 documents. Use ALL 10 documents AND outside information from what you know. Be sure to make your thesis CLEAR and consise.

Next you will have four Free Response essays. Choose 1 essay from each group, not two from the same group. 


Best of luck to everyone! I hope you all do excellent on Friday!


Friday, May 1, 2009

New Updates

I have uploaded new study guides to the website IB for now. Please tell AP class students too. I am out of room on their website in storage. Also go there to get more AP study guides. Study Study and  study more. This is your time to get as much as possible. 

Thanks for the kind messages sent to me. I hope to be back on Monday. I look like I have the mumps in my neck!! We now have to find another car to get....we can't decide if we will buy new or used. 

Study please! It worries me we lost this week. Study Study Study is not enough.....concentrate and take your notebooks home to study SPRITES. You also need to remember Dates, Presidents, Events, Court Cases, Major Events and Idealogies...LOTS of things. It is crunch time guys!

Good Luck

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks from my heart....

I cannot say enough kind thoughts and healing wishes I have received today from such thoughtful students. I deeply and truly appreciate your kind encouraging words conveyed to me. I always say,"God puts people in your life for a reason" and I think you all gave me a reason today. Much thanks from us.

He is home resting tonight and has an appointment with a neurologist soon to help find out why he is having these strokes. Unfortunately, he has been having some before this and we did not know until the stroke this morning had him take a CAT scan.

As for the prompts Paul gave you all. He did me a favor in my time of need in helping out. My lessons were for me to lecture and that is kinda hard without me being there. He did what I asked Ms. Tanaka to have Paul do. He helped me tremendously with a short notice and we all owe him thanks.

I will get the prompts tomorrow and we can work on them after your test on Wednesday. In fact, I want you to bring them if you come for the training session. I need a definite list of names who will be there so I can make copies for all.

Binder checks on Wednesday Chapters 1-28 and Test on 1-28. We will soon start more essays on Latin America too as well as review the power points. I need to ask Mr. Ramiscal to make copies of everyone's power points on one CD for you all. Anyone who has him for a class, ask him if it would be an inconvenience. I have the CDs already.

I should be back tomorrow unless something else happens. We have 48 hours to watch for further episodes of a stroke.....prays are welcome who sent them.

Mrs. Aly

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

History Day & MC tests etc.

Next week:
Binder Check on Chapters 1-25 Next Thursday (3-12-09)
MC Test Chapters 1-25 Same day as binder check

I need ALL attending History Day to send me your:

Annotated Bilbilography
Process Papers

VIA EMAIL so we can have a copy in case you forget to bring your copies! YOU MUST HAVE THIS IN ORDER TO COMPETE!!!!!

Bring FOUR copies with you to History Day

Missing History Day Parent forms:
Robert F.
Tomi S
Stephen B.
Kimberly B.
Romeo L.
Clarence C.
Zach H.
Ashley R.
Maria B.
Aysia R.
Iris S.
Celene R.
Nigel G.
Robinson B.

I need all of these by Wednesday (3-4-09).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

WOW! I can use it at work again! How Awesome!

I have posted the HOA Project on our website. Be sure to check it and make sure that I assigned the right name to the topic. The link is in the front.

Kassey I need you to choose one please as soon as you can dear.

Tomorrow be sure to read THROUGH Chapter 23 before class.

New Essays will be posted tomorrow.

And one last word....

Will is so awesome, be sure to tell him tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

History Day & other news

History Day Participants

Everyone needs to come see me tomorrow for Registration information. I neeed to see your titled entries. Some need to work on your entries and titles. A checklist will be made and you need to be sure you complete your work BEFORE March arrives. 

Be sure to have the following done correctly and turned in by everyone going:

Process Paper ( I want digital AND paper copies)
Annotated Bibliography ( I want digital AND paper copies)Primary & Secondary

I will write a letter home as well to let your parents know when and where the District History Day will take place. I want everyone to prepare for this. You will be interviewed for the event too, so dress nice and be sure you know your topic well. You need to arrange to have transportation for you and your team members. We will have a meeting next week (not sure what day) with everyone going from the school. We need to discuss: transportation, meals, attire, time, etc.. 

We will take group photos as well while at Pearl City High School and frame it :) for class. I am very happy for the work you have done! Thanks again! 

Other News:

Next Tuesday your notebook check on US History will be checked. Be sure to do all your work. Essay are DUE ALSO on this day! I will start adding more essays from US History. We will also soon start doing them class as a class work grade. 

A Latin American Project will be assigned too. I think it will be a group assignment.  Powerpoints and outlines will be made for all to share (a basic study guide). 

I will also soon pass out the Canadian books...so be prepared for more (still have some time). 

You all can do it!!! You guys are just great! 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Winners of History Day-Congratulations!!!!!

Good Morning!

Here are some of the winners for History Day. There are a few entries still being considered, so the final list will be later today. But for now...........

Documentary: (still deciding on the rest)
Erickson and Isaac

James Platt

Le Roi de France (Stephen's group, sorry forgot the titles this morning)
Mark Twain
Emerging Women
Philo Farnsworth
Patsy Mink

We are still considering 3 more exhibit entries!

Historical Papers:
Still in process of reading (Jeric I need yours today)


Waiting on Monday for presentation

Thanks to those who really put forth a huge effort!! We still have some work to decide. For those listed above contact me today I need some information so I can enter your names to History Day. You MUST fill out a form so I can complete registration and then YOU must do registration as well and this ALL BY TUESDAY of next week.

Congrats to all!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Latin American Terms

It was great to see you guys again and I hope you had a great holiday break. 
Your vocabulary words are uploaded on the website for you all to acess now. The forms are in PDF file format so all can read them. 

Paul will upload the paragraph summaries for you and essay questions tomorrow if possible. They are predicting bad weather and I am not sure if we will have internet connections or not if the weather is stormy. Let's hope it just skips Oahu. 

Next Friday History Day Projects Due
Next Wednesday: US History Chapters 1-18 MC due (Binder check due)
Due next week: Chapters 1-4 in Latin American History (does not have to be in the binder yet)
Read the Chapters and do the vocab and essays. I will upload the essay format tomorrow. I went and lifted some heavy things and I am going to put ice on my knees and sleep early. I am just happy I got your vocab done!! 

Really, am happy to see you all again! :)
Ciaooooo a tutti 

PS Did you guys see the swells on the news??? WOW!!!!!