Friday, August 29, 2008

Attention for CAS meeting

Following Students need to come to Mrs. Aly's Room O-304 at LUNCH on TUESDAY (9-2-08) for an IMPORTANT MEETING!!!

Please report:
Will F.
Christopher S.
Celene-Leice R.
Stephen B.
Kaycee M.
Uzma H.

If this is not your name, please tell these students when you see them
it is very important they come for this meeting!
  • GO to WEB GRADER and look at your inbox. I have sent homework assignments and links.You have a reading assignment, maps, and Zinn work due.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hey Guys!

Take advantage if you did not do your Vocab correct! Number your definitions or you lose points because I count them! Complete ALL your vocabs too! This is for your benefit, not mine. Truly it is best to make sure you write them by hand, you can type them.

I have found out if you cut and paste the vocabs several things happen....such as I prevent anyone from being able to type them, you do not LEARN anything from doing them, or you get behind thinking you can do it all at the last minute. Be thorough in your definitions, later you will need to study for them next year and others will be using the textbook, so these terms will be all your have to study by for the big exam. Be smart and understand what you wrote in vocabulary.

Next Tuesday I will be out for a doctor visit, so the binder check will be delayed. IF you want to have Paul check it and get it over with, he can do so. However, you will have a multiple choice test of 80 questions over Chapters 1-2 instead. Yikes! Now is the time to study.

The regular binder check will be on Thursday. Chapter 4 should be read by Thursday. Your Chapter 4 vocab completed by the following Monday. I am linking History Day info to your website by this weekend, so be sure to check it.

I added some gadgets to this site, hope you enjoy them.

I am outta here.............


Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Changes to Website

Greetings IB'ers

I will be back to school on Monday. I hope you guys enjoyed your long weekend! I have updated some pages on your website. I have added links to Podcasts. You don't have to have an iPod or MP3 player to use these, but you need a PC/Mac to listen to them. If you have an iPod etc. you can save/import them into iTunes.

You should have your history research skills work completed by Tuesday. This is a VERY important part of IB-HOA. This is required by the IB Organization! For now we will use copied sheets and you can keep them, but I will give a grade on your notebook grade with this worksheet. We have ordered books for a class room set, but it will take awhile to order/arrive. You are using my copy for our class work. Don't copy from anyone too, big mistake to do this and will only give you pain later!

The Podcast site has LOTS of good audio feeds on various historic time/events/people. Be sure to listen to them to enhance your learning experience. You can save them to your computer for future reference.

Hope you guys are doing well...............see you soon!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

IB for this and next week

Dear IBer's/Ap'ers

AP on "A" day: Presidents start Monday! I choose four out of list, so you have 60% chance you will go Monday. You must recite all the presidents in order (first/last name) within 5 minutes in front of the class.


Thursday, you will begin working on what is History Research skills? Do the work sheets printed/copied for you. Keep them for yourself for now. Eventually we will have books for all to use in a class set. Part of your Internal Assessment is a historiography research project of your choice. So, this is the first step to understanding "What is history?"

I will be back next Monday to school. Doctor told me to stay in bed, actually she rather "ordered" me (yikes). I brought home your papers and I will have them prepared by next week for a session on writing. Until then, do vocabulary and notes on Chapter 3 for next week. We will start working on our outside readings soon too! Be prepared for a streneous work load soon! Maps should be completed by now and in YOUR BINDER!

Dividers should be as follows:

Outside Readings
Study Guides

Try to buy some of these now if you can because there are lots of sales where these can be bought/made cheap.

Email me if you have questions at our IB gmail.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Go to my class room and read a green notice on my door!!


IB and AP Read the Green notice on my door! For your protection!

Mrs. Aly

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hello Class!

I will see you all on Monday this week, It is a short week, so I am going to post some new vocabs for you. My typing stinks right now, I have to wear the finger thing for 2-3 weeks until it heals. These terms are NOT in your textbook, will be in your Latin America book just ordered, however I thought to get a head start.

Be ready to discuss Chapter 2, we will be on it for just one day! Then move onto Chapter 3,

I will try to type more later when I get used to this finger guard! Ha ha!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Something you need and it is FREE!

Hi guys

WOoooo HOooooooo! I found a book I wanted you all to read. I know, another book..sigh. However, this one is FREE! Remember, your class is over the "AMERICAS" not just US History, so this will help you. Did I say it was free? Hmmm.... Maps due next Wednesday-Mountains, plateaus, major rivers, capitol cities, Oceans, etc.... ...Ok is the site ------>

I believe you can download it to your desktop/hard drive and read it there, or online. DO NOT PRINT IT OUT! It is way too large. This book will be discussed in class next week. Focus on Cortes(z), the March to Mexico, Residence in Mexico and later we will discuss expulsion. There is a certain aspect I want you to think about, what is the "authors" viewpoint of those historical figures? Can you find it? Be prepared to discuss the historiography of this book.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Day!

Hellooooo IBer's :)

Ok ok...I goofed on the web URL, thankfully some told me. I just had a brain slip (am old ya know) and combined the URL+@ for e-mail. Yikes, I am embarrased. Please accept my apologies!!!!

Also, I left my phone on my desk all weekend, so I could not return any calls. Sorry if I missed your call. I felt like I cut my arm off or something not having a phone all weekend. Technology can be missed too much sometimes.

Ok, homework, not so bad. I want you to read CHapter 1, thats all for now. The maps I will go over tomorrow, if you want a heads up.......Name all the capitols on all the maps, main rivers, mountain ranges, plateaus, regions, etc. Be neat in your map work, this map has to last 2 years and you need to know this in case the DBQ has a map OR refers in writing to the region.

Bring your books on Tuesday. I was a bit sick still this weekend and basically slept half of it (from the flu). I will be posting calendars in the class and the website so everyone will know the schedule for A & B days.

See you all Tuesday :-)

Mrs. Aly