Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hey Guys!

Take advantage if you did not do your Vocab correct! Number your definitions or you lose points because I count them! Complete ALL your vocabs too! This is for your benefit, not mine. Truly it is best to make sure you write them by hand, you can type them.

I have found out if you cut and paste the vocabs several things happen....such as I prevent anyone from being able to type them, you do not LEARN anything from doing them, or you get behind thinking you can do it all at the last minute. Be thorough in your definitions, later you will need to study for them next year and others will be using the textbook, so these terms will be all your have to study by for the big exam. Be smart and understand what you wrote in vocabulary.

Next Tuesday I will be out for a doctor visit, so the binder check will be delayed. IF you want to have Paul check it and get it over with, he can do so. However, you will have a multiple choice test of 80 questions over Chapters 1-2 instead. Yikes! Now is the time to study.

The regular binder check will be on Thursday. Chapter 4 should be read by Thursday. Your Chapter 4 vocab completed by the following Monday. I am linking History Day info to your website by this weekend, so be sure to check it.

I added some gadgets to this site, hope you enjoy them.

I am outta here.............
