Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Changes to Website

Greetings IB'ers

I will be back to school on Monday. I hope you guys enjoyed your long weekend! I have updated some pages on your website. I have added links to Podcasts. You don't have to have an iPod or MP3 player to use these, but you need a PC/Mac to listen to them. If you have an iPod etc. you can save/import them into iTunes.

You should have your history research skills work completed by Tuesday. This is a VERY important part of IB-HOA. This is required by the IB Organization! For now we will use copied sheets and you can keep them, but I will give a grade on your notebook grade with this worksheet. We have ordered books for a class room set, but it will take awhile to order/arrive. You are using my copy for our class work. Don't copy from anyone too, big mistake to do this and will only give you pain later!

The Podcast site has LOTS of good audio feeds on various historic time/events/people. Be sure to listen to them to enhance your learning experience. You can save them to your computer for future reference.

Hope you guys are doing well...............see you soon!
