Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Day!

Hellooooo IBer's :)

Ok ok...I goofed on the web URL, thankfully some told me. I just had a brain slip (am old ya know) and combined the URL+@ for e-mail. Yikes, I am embarrased. Please accept my apologies!!!!

Also, I left my phone on my desk all weekend, so I could not return any calls. Sorry if I missed your call. I felt like I cut my arm off or something not having a phone all weekend. Technology can be missed too much sometimes.

Ok, homework, not so bad. I want you to read CHapter 1, thats all for now. The maps I will go over tomorrow, if you want a heads up.......Name all the capitols on all the maps, main rivers, mountain ranges, plateaus, regions, etc. Be neat in your map work, this map has to last 2 years and you need to know this in case the DBQ has a map OR refers in writing to the region.

Bring your books on Tuesday. I was a bit sick still this weekend and basically slept half of it (from the flu). I will be posting calendars in the class and the website so everyone will know the schedule for A & B days.

See you all Tuesday :-)

Mrs. Aly