Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Something you need and it is FREE!

Hi guys

WOoooo HOooooooo! I found a book I wanted you all to read. I know, another book..sigh. However, this one is FREE! Remember, your class is over the "AMERICAS" not just US History, so this will help you. Did I say it was free? Hmmm.... Maps due next Wednesday-Mountains, plateaus, major rivers, capitol cities, Oceans, etc.... ...Ok is the site ------>

I believe you can download it to your desktop/hard drive and read it there, or online. DO NOT PRINT IT OUT! It is way too large. This book will be discussed in class next week. Focus on Cortes(z), the March to Mexico, Residence in Mexico and later we will discuss expulsion. There is a certain aspect I want you to think about, what is the "authors" viewpoint of those historical figures? Can you find it? Be prepared to discuss the historiography of this book.
