Monday, September 22, 2008

Test Tomorrow!

Hey Guys:

Test tomorrow on the countries: Latin America/Central America (countries only); Canada (provinces and country); Greenland (yeah it is a part of the Americas technically geographically); North America (USA); Caribbean (countries/islands). No capitols, no rivers, no mountain ranges; no Presidents, or no waterfalls! Ok? Wish I had a nickel for all the inquiries I have had on this simple test! JUST BE SURE HOW TO SPELL THEM, no Bank of names!

An IB student made this site (forum), it is not endorsed by me and I have NOTHING to do with it, nor does JCHS. However, I hope it was created for HELPING and DISCUSSING the work for IB students in a productive helpful manner. If you have any problems with it, do not talk to me, talk to Jamie G.

Study tonight and be prepared to have SPRITE ready for Chapter 7 tomorrow.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hey Jamie.....

Hey Jamie

I need your forum site again. I can't find it with the papers I brought home from work. Email me at and I will post it for all. I am sorry for that and I looked yesterday and could not find it.  I have TOO many papers to grade! :-( 

Ok..for the rest of you guys

Test on Maps of Latin America, Canada, Caribbean, and Central America. Know the US too and if you miss it....SHAME ON YOU! Just the countries, capitols will be later on. Study your maps. Also you need to be on Chapter 8 doing SPRITE and vocabs. Go to the ap website for those. I need to get Paul to upload them all, just not enough time in the day I guess to get all done I want and need to be done. I hope by the end of Fall break, your website will be completed.  Be prepared for the test on Monday AND in the groups we made last week, I want you to all do Chapter 8 so we can do it in class on Thursday. I need again to have all the parts of SPRITE sent in again so we quickly discuss them in class.  

DVD's. I am not sure where your CAS meeting will be next Tuesday. If they have it in my room (which is most logical because you are already with me) I can show the DVD's afterward. I have just bought the John Adams series which is great explaining the American Revolution. It is a series of seven episodes, but excellent! I also bought a boxed set of the Civil War for you all to watch also. Remember, all of these are to help you enhance your learning! Soon you will begin to piece EARLY US history to LATER US history. 

Another thing to pay attention to (sorry so much) in current news. Much of what is happening today in the financial market is very similar to what happens during the early 1900's. Read as much as you can online and the newspaper. This will help you understand what the "conditions" were before the stock market crashed 1929.  Cost of living, banks, panic, confidence in the system, government roles, etc... Laws were put in placed post 1929 to prevent it from happening again, but deregulation removed some of those safeguards. It is all current information, so read on it and we will use it for comparision after awhile (second session). 

Also, try to get Chapters 1-5 in place on SPRITE. We will have binder checks the following week and a midterm (Chapters 1-8). So prepare now so you won't panic and be less stressed for your midterm. Best to you all....


Thursday, September 18, 2008

AP Exam Fees


October 1st the deadline for the $31 per exam fee deposit toward any AP Exam. Unless you qualify for a free or reduced lunch, you must pay the deposit on time. Tomorrow you will all get information regarding your deposits!

I have yet to receive ONE emailed Word file on SPRITE we did in class. I don't want to give a poor grade for failing to email me a small file. This is a class work assignment and you TRULY need to email it to me as soon as possible so I can install it in the Smart Board tonight! We will work on this in class tomorrow and complete the class discussion. I only had four students come after class for DVD extra credit. We watched a DVD on the "Roanoke" colony. Be sure to have your study groups use SPRITE in organizing each chapter of learning.

Test next week on maps of Latin America, Central America, Canada,and the Caribbean. Study study study. I am trying to find an online test you can take from the pc to help you pass with a high grade!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Extra Credit and next week

Tomorrow is extra credit movie day after school. I only had four show up on Tuesday and I hope more return tomorrow (Thursday). 

Send me an email at: for your group's SPRITE list. We will post it on the Smart board and it will work faster I think and we can complete working on it with greater insight. Send it in Microsoft Word please. If you wish, you can come to my room during lunch for studying. This works great if you cannot meet with anyone after school. Groups can all do the SPRITE (each member do all), then compare notes with each other while you discuss what each person had for the SPRITE. This encourages discussion between study members. Just a fast reminder, one student began to use SPRITE and increased his grade by 20 points! It does work!!!  I have a microwave if you need one, just brown bag lunch one day (your group) and study!

Next week there will be the map quizzes: South America, Central America, Canada and the Caribbean. You will need to name the countries and SPELL them correctly!  Test will be on Tuesday! 

We will also begin working on a class project as well as History Day (after Fall break). History day's final thesis will be due after Fall Break. We can also be smart and use your History Project for you Histography as well if you decide to do so. Both require reseach, so that will be discussed as well soon. 

I want also everyone to bring a political cartoon/editorial to class on Friday for a grade. Be sure to include the name of the publication, date of publication, a paragraph explaining the premise of the cartoon AND a SPRITE break down (is it politcal, religion, intellectual, etc..) 

Remember to send your Word file, study for the map tests, DVD extra credit, and the politcal cartoon. 


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chapter Test on Monday

Dear Students:

Please prepare yourself for your big test on Monday. Follow your notes, definitions and most of study the chapters. You can do it! This year's class is so bright and you can acheive your goals. Remember when you study think of SPRITE and apply those themes to what you read. Pay attention to details, rising and declining birth rates, economic changes, religion, etc. Don't just read and not absorb the information. Meet in your study group if you can and discuss the chapters. Own your learning! There will be 16 questions from each chapter. I will divide the chapters into 3 sections and 4 from beginning, 8 from the middle and 4 from the end. 

Don't stay up all night studying! You need rest to process what you learned. Watch this web video on sleep and learning:

Don't forget Tuesday and Thursday are DVD days for extra credit AND for enhancing your learing. Go also to Merriam Webster. com and get signed up for free for Word of the Day sent to your email for increasing your vocabulary. Jaime found the book on iTunes also, I just found one chapter, he found 4 I think. I have CDs on history for listening and now one on grammar to improve your writing if you have difficulty. Books can also be checked out for studying as well. Latin American books will be here soon and Canadian books should be here within 1 month.

The woods are lovely dark and deep,
and we have miles to go before we sleep..... R. Frost

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Extra Credit, quizes coming up


I have been thinking a lot on ideas to ENCOURAGE and help the class. I have pondered and considered the pros and cons of my ideas, so I have come to a decision regarding an incentive for viewing DVDs (which are an intergal part of enhancing your learning experience). 

Starting this week, I will choose DVDs that will extend subject matter learning in class. There is obviously not enough time to show in class, so I will offer them after school. Similar to the TBS (Ithink that network)..Dinner and a Date. Instead, my program will be....Extra credit and a Movie Date...basically it works like this:

A viewing of 10 DVDs (I pick'em) will equal 10 points. (1 point per movie) I will offer them twice a week and I will sign off and record your names on the viewing. I also want you to take some notes while watching, not verbatim, but a general understanding that you can keep in your binder for review for next year. Also it is a great way for you to learn to take fast notes (for college).

Most will last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and exceptional ones may last two hours in which I will show in two segments. I know many have plans after school and I also have plans too after school. 

Movies will be on Tuesdays, Wednesday or Thursdays. I will post a DVD schedule on my door and you can choose when to watch them. If no one shows up, I will leave for the day. If possible let me know when you plan to come so I will be sure not to leave early or go make copies, etc..

I hope this encourages everyone to watch these to improve your understanding and increase your knowledge.  Please do not come to watch these and talk/chat and not pay attention because I will not validate your extra credit. Be serious and use this little block of time for increasing your understanding of the subjects. 

All my DVDs are educational and are related to US History, Latin American History or Canadian history. I try not to have too boring of DVDs, but not all can be interesting as "Transformers" or like ilk.  :P


I feel we need to spend more time before testing. So the last date for the quiz will be on Monday next week. I hate to change the date, but I feel many of you are not ready. Remember, it is cumulative testing. Once you study the chapter enough, you will only need to review your notes briefly each time we take a quiz. It will build up your knowledge (and confidence). Do not just study names and events, try to use analysis and reason in the "why" and "how" events occur in history. Remember all historical events relate to: SPRITE


See you guys tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hope you all read your last assigned outside reading assignment. Chapters 4 & 5 should be completed by now. Next week MC tests on Chapters 1-5. Same format as before. 

Good News: Latin American books were ordered and hopefully arrive within the month. So your work will double again soon! 

Open house: Thursday (tomorrow) there will be an open house. I will be located in Room P-19 if you want extra credit for me to meet your parent(s). Siblings will not count for extra credit, sorry. 

Study, make good notes, do your own work, plan your time wisely and be consistent with good learning habits. 

I do have DVD's on numerous topics that WILL enhance your learning experience. Remember, all you learn this year will be GONE next year because other students will be using your textbook. Make GOOD notes you can review next year.