Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Extra Credit, quizes coming up


I have been thinking a lot on ideas to ENCOURAGE and help the class. I have pondered and considered the pros and cons of my ideas, so I have come to a decision regarding an incentive for viewing DVDs (which are an intergal part of enhancing your learning experience). 

Starting this week, I will choose DVDs that will extend subject matter learning in class. There is obviously not enough time to show in class, so I will offer them after school. Similar to the TBS (Ithink that network)..Dinner and a Date. Instead, my program will be....Extra credit and a Movie Date...basically it works like this:

A viewing of 10 DVDs (I pick'em) will equal 10 points. (1 point per movie) I will offer them twice a week and I will sign off and record your names on the viewing. I also want you to take some notes while watching, not verbatim, but a general understanding that you can keep in your binder for review for next year. Also it is a great way for you to learn to take fast notes (for college).

Most will last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and exceptional ones may last two hours in which I will show in two segments. I know many have plans after school and I also have plans too after school. 

Movies will be on Tuesdays, Wednesday or Thursdays. I will post a DVD schedule on my door and you can choose when to watch them. If no one shows up, I will leave for the day. If possible let me know when you plan to come so I will be sure not to leave early or go make copies, etc..

I hope this encourages everyone to watch these to improve your understanding and increase your knowledge.  Please do not come to watch these and talk/chat and not pay attention because I will not validate your extra credit. Be serious and use this little block of time for increasing your understanding of the subjects. 

All my DVDs are educational and are related to US History, Latin American History or Canadian history. I try not to have too boring of DVDs, but not all can be interesting as "Transformers" or like ilk.  :P


I feel we need to spend more time before testing. So the last date for the quiz will be on Monday next week. I hate to change the date, but I feel many of you are not ready. Remember, it is cumulative testing. Once you study the chapter enough, you will only need to review your notes briefly each time we take a quiz. It will build up your knowledge (and confidence). Do not just study names and events, try to use analysis and reason in the "why" and "how" events occur in history. Remember all historical events relate to: SPRITE


See you guys tomorrow!