Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hey Jamie.....

Hey Jamie

I need your forum site again. I can't find it with the papers I brought home from work. Email me at and I will post it for all. I am sorry for that and I looked yesterday and could not find it.  I have TOO many papers to grade! :-( 

Ok..for the rest of you guys

Test on Maps of Latin America, Canada, Caribbean, and Central America. Know the US too and if you miss it....SHAME ON YOU! Just the countries, capitols will be later on. Study your maps. Also you need to be on Chapter 8 doing SPRITE and vocabs. Go to the ap website for those. I need to get Paul to upload them all, just not enough time in the day I guess to get all done I want and need to be done. I hope by the end of Fall break, your website will be completed.  Be prepared for the test on Monday AND in the groups we made last week, I want you to all do Chapter 8 so we can do it in class on Thursday. I need again to have all the parts of SPRITE sent in again so we quickly discuss them in class.  

DVD's. I am not sure where your CAS meeting will be next Tuesday. If they have it in my room (which is most logical because you are already with me) I can show the DVD's afterward. I have just bought the John Adams series which is great explaining the American Revolution. It is a series of seven episodes, but excellent! I also bought a boxed set of the Civil War for you all to watch also. Remember, all of these are to help you enhance your learning! Soon you will begin to piece EARLY US history to LATER US history. 

Another thing to pay attention to (sorry so much) in current news. Much of what is happening today in the financial market is very similar to what happens during the early 1900's. Read as much as you can online and the newspaper. This will help you understand what the "conditions" were before the stock market crashed 1929.  Cost of living, banks, panic, confidence in the system, government roles, etc... Laws were put in placed post 1929 to prevent it from happening again, but deregulation removed some of those safeguards. It is all current information, so read on it and we will use it for comparision after awhile (second session). 

Also, try to get Chapters 1-5 in place on SPRITE. We will have binder checks the following week and a midterm (Chapters 1-8). So prepare now so you won't panic and be less stressed for your midterm. Best to you all....
