Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chapter Test on Monday

Dear Students:

Please prepare yourself for your big test on Monday. Follow your notes, definitions and most of study the chapters. You can do it! This year's class is so bright and you can acheive your goals. Remember when you study think of SPRITE and apply those themes to what you read. Pay attention to details, rising and declining birth rates, economic changes, religion, etc. Don't just read and not absorb the information. Meet in your study group if you can and discuss the chapters. Own your learning! There will be 16 questions from each chapter. I will divide the chapters into 3 sections and 4 from beginning, 8 from the middle and 4 from the end. 

Don't stay up all night studying! You need rest to process what you learned. Watch this web video on sleep and learning:

Don't forget Tuesday and Thursday are DVD days for extra credit AND for enhancing your learing. Go also to Merriam Webster. com and get signed up for free for Word of the Day sent to your email for increasing your vocabulary. Jaime found the book on iTunes also, I just found one chapter, he found 4 I think. I have CDs on history for listening and now one on grammar to improve your writing if you have difficulty. Books can also be checked out for studying as well. Latin American books will be here soon and Canadian books should be here within 1 month.

The woods are lovely dark and deep,
and we have miles to go before we sleep..... R. Frost

Good Luck!